Mrs. Keil ~ San Simon School

Com Apps
Quarter 2
October to December 2024

Ghosting with APS: Complete the project today, should take no more than 30 minutes
Then finish any APS project you haven't
APS: Vampirize: project should take about 25 minutes to finish
1.CS6 Pumpkin Carving:
Project should take about 25 minutes to finish and should be completed today.

Google Docs
Google Docs
Google Docs
Directions are for MSWord,
but you will use Google Docs. Know things will be in different places.
Also: Merge each drawing as you make it; It is very important to do this or you'll have a mess!
You should have half the class period for back work.
Sheet 1 and Sheet 2,
possibly start Sheet 3
Remember to use formulas where stated. The lesson gives exactly what to input.
Day 2
Pigs & OYO

You will have time to finish ALL photoshop projects by Tuesday. See me 6th &/or 7th periods for more work time
Day 1
(You may start on tomorrow's immediately after finishing today)
Finish APS Lighthouse
Lesson 3 (leave Lesson 4 until next week,
use link on previous days
then start
Haunted House Flyer
Day 1
Day 2
Lesson 3-7

Jrs w/Mrs. Lentz
Those of you attending Boyd Baker next week can work faster. I'll open up
Nov 25 & Nov 26 for you to complete early. Assignments are completed through Google Docs, so you can use a Chromebook or any computer that has internet access.
Assignments don't "build" on each other, so you may complete them in any order.
If you complete Course 2 at any time before end of class on December 16, you may finish any missing assignments.
You will need headphones for the next two weeks of
class, from Dec 9 - Dec 19
CREDIT: All gifs on this page from

Winter Break
December 20
January 6
Have Fun &
Be Safe
Lessons 8-12
Lessons 13-17

Finish Course 2
Lessons 18-19
Start Course 3 Lesson 1-2 Course 3
Lessons 3-5 Course 3
Lessons 6-7
For Course 3: There are some lessons that are skipped
and you will not have access to. See Sequence Printable: link. Course 3
Lessons 8-11
Digital Footprint
Day 1: Annotate Text in Google Docs
Day2 :Annotate Text in Google Docs
Guessing Game
Day 1
Day 2